Hedge Fund
Secure, streamlined and scalable trade workflow for your business
Making fund startups & strategic launches easier, more effective and less costly
There are many things that fund managers cannot prepare for. Exogenous shocks, changes in investor appetite and the ever-shifting regulatory environment are a few. Technology is not one of them.
Fund Managers: Taking Control Amidst Rapid Change
Competitive Advantage
Successful hedge fund managers and COOs do not just view technology as an expense line or a problem to solve. For those that embrace it, technology is a competitive advantage.
In fact, the technology-related challenges and risks are in not actively seeking the efficiencies and operational advantages it offers. Institutional investors that neglect their tech put themselves at a fundamental disadvantage.
Risk Down, Performance Up
Rapid technological progress in the financial services industry is nothing new. But no asset manager – or market participant of any kind – can afford to ignore its importance in their investment, trading, and overall operational workflows. When done right, your tech stack is both a risk minimiser and a value maximiser.
Perhaps most importantly, the increased workflow efficiency and gains in cognitive capacity realised can directly translate into improved investment performance.
Full Stack Investment Solution
From market and holdings data integration, to pre-trade risk and compliance management, to portfolio analysis and rebalancing, Ironfly provides for full trade lifecycle management. The platform offers an intuitive toolset for PMs, traders, middle office teams, and risk officers, as well as APIs and automation solutions.
Efficiency Force Multiplier
The Ironfly Prime OEMS gives PMs and traders the tools they need, with essential pre-trade risk and compliance features, and full support for back office and operations.
Additionally, Prime reduces the time and resources required for many tasks across the trade lifecycle (while increasing the accuracy of the same). In doing so it encourages team productivity while reducing trading and operational error risk.